TCT Honored as Beneficiary of 2023 Gobble Wobble by Lexington-Rockbridge Jaycees

Exciting news is brewing at the Rockbridge Community Table (TCT)! We are elated to share that we have been selected as a beneficiary for the upcoming Gobble Wobble, hosted by the Lexington-Rockbridge Jaycees.

The Gobble Wobble is a cherished Thanksgiving tradition that unites our community in a spirit of togetherness, fun and giving back. This year, mark your calendars for November 23rd. The event will unfold between 8 and 11 a.m., starting and concluding at Maury River Middle School.

The heartwarming news is that we will receive a significant donation of $3,000 as beneficiaries of the Gobble Wobble. This generous gift is made possible through a combination of sponsorships and registration fees. The funds will provide vital support to further our mission of a “restaurant without a cash register.”

Rebecca Williams, President of the Lexington-Rockbridge Jaycees, has expressed her enthusiasm about supporting TCT's mission. She noted, "The Jaycees are thrilled to support your mission, which provides a valuable service to some of the neediest members of our community."

As we gear up for the Gobble Wobble this Thanksgiving, we invite our community to join hands with us in making a meaningful difference. Whether you're a dedicated runner, a generous sponsor or a compassionate volunteer, your contribution is priceless in our quest to continue serving those who require our assistance the most.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the Lexington-Rockbridge Jaycees for their support and for selecting TCT as a beneficiary for the Gobble Wobble. Together, we can ensure this Thanksgiving is not only a time for feasting but also a time for giving, expressing gratitude, and fostering a spirit of unity within our community.

Registration is now open for the 2023 Gobble Wobble. Thank you for being an integral part of the Rockbridge Community Table's journey.


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