Thank you, friends and supporters!

Dear friends and supporters of the Rockbridge Community Table,

We wanted to take a moment to share some updates from the board of directors. We took a short break to regroup, reflect and plan for the upcoming fall season. This pause allowed our dedicated board members to gather and discuss new ways to enhance our operations and continue serving our wonderful community.

The impact of this brief hiatus made us realize just how much we cherish our volunteers and diners. Your presence has been missed, and we are eagerly counting down the days until we can once again share meals and conversations that warm our hearts. To our incredible volunteers, we extend our deepest gratitude for the tireless work you do to keep our mission alive. Your unwavering support ensures that we can address food insecurity in Lexington and Rockbridge County and make a positive impact on our neighbors.

We want to reiterate that the Rockbridge Community Table is a place of inclusivity and warmth. Every person is welcome, regardless of their circumstances. Our goal has always been to create an environment of fellowship and community, where neighbors come together to support one another. Like a restaurant without a cash register, we focus on the simple joy of sharing a good meal and fostering connections.

As we gear up for fall, we're excited to share that we will serve four meals each week to ensure our community remains nourished and connected. Join us on Monday nights at 6 p.m. in Lexington, Wednesdays at noon in Lexington, Wednesday nights around the county as part of the Portable Area Community Table (PACT) initiative and Fridays at 10 a.m. at Fairfield Presbyterian Church. These gatherings would not be possible without the incredible support of our chef, David Faulds, the Carilion Clinic, Rockbridge Area Transportation (RATS) and the Campus Kitchen at Washington and Lee University. Their outstanding contributions help us make each meal a special occasion.

In closing, we want to express our heartfelt appreciation to each of you. Your support, whether as a volunteer, diner or partner, makes the Rockbridge Community Table a safe place to dine together. Your support is making a difference in the lives of local residents and building a stronger, more connected community. We can't wait to welcome you back and continue this wonderful journey together.

With gratitude and warm wishes,

The Rockbridge Community Table Board


Embrace the Power of Giving Back!